FAQ - Meteomed


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What does Meteomed offer?

Meteomed provides detailed marine weather forecasts for the Mediterranean, forecast services, weather alerts, and specialized navigation advice.

How can I access the forecasts?

Forecasts are available via Meteomed's online platform, accessible from mobile and desktop devices. This is a webapp, there is no app to download.

Does Meteomed offer free services?

Meteomed offers a free trial, and a reduced map view but full services require a subscription.

What are the advantages of a Meteomed subscription?

Subscribers receive frequent updates, access to high-resolution data, and personalized support.

How can I contact Meteomed for assistance?

Meteomed can be contacted via email or telephone, available in the "Contacts" section of the site.

What type of support does Meteomed offer for planning race routes?

We offer a Weather Routing service that assists navigators on board, analyzing the weather conditions along the route and identifying the ideal route based on the forecast.

Can I speak directly to a meteorologist?

Of course! We provide a telephone service where you can speak directly with a professional meteorologist who will guide you through the weather conditions and answer all your questions.

Does Meteomed provide specific services for offshore industries?

Yes, we have a competent modeling unit and advanced technological infrastructure to create the best marine weather forecasting models to support the maritime activities of offshore industries.

How can I access Meteomed weather reports?

Our weather reports can be received via email, SMS, or consulted through the synoptic tables available for the ports and sectors of the Mediterranean.

Is it possible to customize the weather forecast for a specific event?

Absolutely yes. Meteomed offers technical support and personalized weather briefings for events, exhibitions and competitions, ensuring maximum precision and relevance to the specific needs of the event.

How can I get information about ports in the Mediterranean through Meteomed?

We offer detailed listings of over 2000 ports in the Mediterranean, which include information on pier depth, lighthouses, contact details, number of berths, notices and available services.

Does Meteomed offer telephone weather consultation services?

Yes, we provide a telephone weather advisory service. You can call our dedicated number to speak directly with a professional meteorologist who will follow you step by step during the stages of your maritime journey. Our navigation specialist has in his palmares participation in two Olympics and numerous world championships and international titles.

What are Meteomed's capabilities in supporting offshore operations?

We provide weather services for offshore wind power platforms, cable laying operations, oil rig movements, offshore towing and decommissioning operations, and other weather-sensitive operations.

How does Meteomed support professional navigation and nautical tourism?

Meteomed Marinas is a marine weather forecasting service intended for Yacht Clubs and Marinas to optimize the technical and logistical management of ports, guaranteeing comfort and safety for their customers.

What is Safe Mooring?

It is a service that is offered by our associated tourist ports to their customers and is used to receive bulletins and alerts regarding the mooring location to always know the marine weather status with sufficient advance notice to intervene in case of need to optimize mooring for adverse conditions and avoid unpleasant accidents.