Marine Weather Alerts

We would like to offer you an exclusive alert service that, however, should not in any way substitute the official warning system supplied by the Civil Protection and other appointed institutions. Meteomed’s goal is to provide its customers with an additional mean of prevention: we will send you punctual and detailed warning messages in case of any possibly hostile weather condition.

All alert signals will also be available to you directly on our maps, with different intuitive colors and labels according to the level of risk and the weather variable involved (atmospheric precipitations, winds, sea conditions). Users will also be able to customize the alert system by setting the attention thresholds above which they would like to receive the warning messages (via E-mail or SMS).

Choose your subscription



  • 100 Sms (bollettini e allerte)
  • Email (bollettini e allerte)
  • Automatic telephone weather report
  • Summary tables for ports and sectors
  • Cartography
  • Weather navigation route
  • Meteorologist at your disposal
  • World Services
  • Consultation with navigation expert
  • Weather rout chart (roadbook)
  • Download file GRIB


  • 100 Sms (bollettini e allerte)
  • Email (bollettini e allerte)
  • Automatic telephone weather report
  • Summary tables for ports and sectors
  • Cartography
  • Weather navigation route
  • Meteorologist at your disposal
  • World Services
  • Consultation with navigation expert
  • Weather rout chart (roadbook)
  • Download file GRIB


  • 100 Sms (bollettini e allerte)
  • Email (bollettini e allerte)
  • Automatic telephone weather report
  • Summary tables for ports and sectors
  • Cartography
  • Weather navigation route
  • Meteorologist at your disposal
  • World Services
  • Consultation with navigation expert
  • Weather rout chart (roadbook)
  • Download file GRIB