Maritime and Port Agencies

Cargo ships are usually assisted during maneuvers inside the ports by specific technical services in order to guarantee navigation and harboring safety. However, when entering or exiting commercial ports, navigation is often challenged by marine-weather conditions.

Meteomed supports pilot corporations and marine agencies in planning the optimal handling, loading and unloading, mooring and unmooring phases of the ships. The ultimate goal of our meteorological service dedicated to marine agencies is to optimize the port logistics and resources, in terms of safety and cost saving.

We focus on providing constant monitoring of weather conditions in the harbor area through high-resolution weather reports and marine-weather alert systems.

Weather reports are sent two times a day (in the morning and in the afternoon), witch hourly time resolution, both in PDF and CSV format: the latter displays numeric data that can be uploaded on your managerial systems.

Our alert system will send warning messages via SMS or E-mail when weather conditions exceed the thresholds previously set by the client according to the tolerance of its operational force. Warnings are also scheduled to be activated when we register lighting strikes within 15 km of the port area. The alert system is an essential service in addition to the regular marine-weather report.

Lastly, our operating room of professional meteorologists is available seven days a week to offer consulting services to the clients dealing with delicate operations and conditions.